Learning Forward BC Elects New Board of Directors


Learning Forward BC

 Table Officers and Directors 2024-2025

Table Officers


Sue Elliott: President:

Corinne McCabe: Secretary/Treasurer



Rod AllenBC Superintendent of Education(retired,  Assistant Deputy Minister with the BC Ministry of Education,( retired)  Current work:  Administration Consultant, /Free Range Human Podcasts  ( with Jal Metha, Harvard)

Trudean Andrews, Teacher, Ministry of Education (Retired)

Jessica Antosz,  BC Principals and Vice Principals, Coordinator Professional Learning ( Retired)

returning to LFBC  board

Denise Augustine, Superintendent of Indigenous Education BC Ministry of Education,) Cowichan School District,  Learning Forward Board of Trustees, Cowichan School District,  Learning Forward Board of Trustees

Gordon Li, British Columbia School Trustees Association, Director, Education Services

David Manual, Assistant Superintendent, Chilliwack, BCSSA

Amelia Poitras, Principal, Burnaby BC

Cari Wilson, District Principal, Technology- West Vancouver  School District


Executive Director

Audrey Hobbs- Johnson,  Education Consultant BC,   Learning Forward Foundation , Past Chair


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