Insight into Quality Professional Learning: A BC Perspective


Insight into Quality Professional Learning


The study on the State of Professional Learning in Canada provides a well-researched lens through which Canadian educators can structure quality professional learning. Support and sustainability, quality content, and learning design and implementation are key components. A connection between the Ontario and BC Learning Forward affiliates promises a positive interaction whereby ‘lessons learned’ can be shared to stimulate conversation and enhance effective practice.


In British Columbia, a focus group representing members of the BC Education Collaborative addressing the three questions posed at the conclusion of the study, BC Case Study EX Summary, created a foundation to move forward in sharing stories of promising professional practice where there is evidence of impact on student learning. Participants established the importance of a process to provide clear criteria for sharing stories.


Leadership that supports and gives voice to educators that find agency in their work is foundational. Professional agency is core to education organizations working together to structure and facilitate quality professional learning. Cross role conversations that allow educators to develop trust and delve deeply into effective practice are important aspects for organizations to strive for.


Learning Forward BC board members invite educators to consider the following ‘criteria’ for sharing stories that address the learning and support required to ready our students for 2030, the Graduating Year for 2017 Kindergarten students.

  • Clarity of purpose,
  • Use of data,
  • Research based,
  • Relevance,
  • A collaborative process,
  • Accountability and impact.

Attending to the outcomes of the focus groups in Ontario and BC, and ensuring that we collectively ensure that we address the findings in our work, will be a positive step forward to ensuring that quality professional learning impacts students


See detailed report from November 2017.

Building a Network for Action

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