Holding Up a Mirror to the Attributes of our BC Education System
“Literally, to hold up a mirror means to put a mirror in front of someone so they can see their reflections.
Metaphorically it usually means to reveal to someone what they look like to the rest of the world”
Chris Kennedy’s Blog file://localhost/ /https://cultureofyes.ca/2018/04/30/can-i-learn-anything-from-a-canadian/
Chris Kennedy”s Blog is a superb example of how to look at ourselves in light of what we do and don’t do as we strive to do the best job we can for each of our students.
As Learning Forward BC continues its work centered on meeting the needs of BC Professional Learning, this Blog allows us to shine a light on the similarities and differences between the Canadian and American systems.
I believe that Chris has explained attributes of education in BC that, when examined closely, create a very different foundation for learning and teaching. The culture of learning that has evolved in BC, with leeway for teachers to be innovative in planning and teaching, has a strong foundation in early learning, with a focus on personalized learning. The curricular strands of communication, thinking and social/emotional skills within the curriculum are fundamental for an individual to apply the knowledge acquired in subject areas.
Quality professional learning to scaffold educators in their own learning is indeed outlined in the Canadian Study, with the BC Case Study providing insight into some of what occurs in BC. As we have discussed, the networking dinners that Learning Forward BC sponsors provide cross role and district networking opportunities to share the innovative planning, assessment, teaching and learning practices that are resulting in powerful outcomes.
I am pleased to add that our last network dinner: From Poster to Practice, focused on the First People’s Principles of Learning. It was oversubscribed, as there is tremendous interest by educators to learn about putting a different lens on our work. Our BC Affiliate Board is learning as well, and beginning to look at how what we are learning can augment the framework in the Canadian Study. It is innovation at it’s best.
I am confident that Chris’s blog post will enhance our discussions as we move forward.
Best regards,
Sue Elliott,
President, Learning Forward BC
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