An Invitation from SD #48
Lisa McCullough, Superintendent
April Lowe, President, BCTF, Local President Sea to Sky
In School District 48, Hattie’s words: “Every child deserves a quality education not by chance but by design.” is at the front of our learning. Our story has developed collaboratively over time and the result is a strategic plan that informs all of our collective decisions. In the beginning, a large group of educational partners came together to design a document that would meet the needs of all of our learners and would have an entry point for all of our educators. Over time, that plan has evolved to now include the enduring understandings, Inclusion is a right, Diversity is a strength and personalization is the way. Throughout the process, purposeful design through a collaborative approach has been at the centre of all that we build. Lisa McCullough, Superintendent of Schools in Sea to Sky invites you into our learning.
Join us for a short but focused virtual session on Thursday, September 24, 4:00 -6:00 pm
Register here:…rning-forward-bc/
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