Leadership in Professional Learning: A LFBC Story As Tom Guskey reminds us, the ultimate goal of professional learning is its impact on student growth and outcomes. LFBC is about providing networking opportunities. The intent of this year’s series of … Continued
Virtual leading and learning in unique contexts: The BC perspective from Denise Augustine
Join Learning Forward March 11 at 1:00 or register and have access to a this dynamic webinar A Global Perspective with presenters from both the US and Canada. Presenters: Presenters: Quincy Natay is currently serving as the superintendent of the Chinle … Continued
Teaming is critical in today’s schools! However, are our own biases and aspects of privilege getting in the way?
LEARNING FORWARD ONTARIO NEWS BRIEF MARCH 2021 Article Review: Connections bring us closer to Equity and Justice by Ellie Drago-Severson, Jessica Blum-Destefano and Deborah Brooks-Lawrence (October, 2020, The learning professional, Vol. 41, No. 5): In the context of … Continued
Have you heard this PodCast? A great way to start good thinking!
The latest episode of #youngwoke podcast is now live! Thanks to @ShaneSafir for interviewing her friend and educator Denise Augustine. Check out “Indigenous Ways of Knowing” at Indigenous Ways of Knowing – The Young and the Woke This is a … Continued
Social Emotional Learning: Networking Opportunity
Learning Forward BC presents: The Power of Story in Deep Cultures of Learning: BC Case Study Series, School District #44, and North Vancouver Join this presentation and conversation that documents how creating teams for dialogue among community created “the voice … Continued
LET’S EMO:T (Halq’eme’ylem) – ONE HEART ONE MIND
LET’S EMO:T (Halq’eme’ylem) – ONE HEART ONE MIND On Thursday night, November 26, 2020, Learning Forward BC hosted another in its series THE POWER OF STORY. This was the second of four district stories focused on strategies they have undertaken … Continued
Examining Cultural Capital: A LFBC webinar with Andy Hargreaves, November 19, 2020
Examining Cultural Capital: A LFBC webinar with Andy Hargreaves November 19, 2020 “Inclusion and identity are essential to equity and mobility. If you cannot see yourself represented and respected in the culture and curriculum of the school, you will … Continued
Join with BC Educators in A DIALOGUE with ANDY HARGREAVES Thursday, November 19, 2020 4:00 -5:30 Andy Hargreaves: Teaching and Learning with Equity in the Pandemic In his book Andy reflects: Social mobility is about families who seek … Continued
It is a story of hope, a story of building trust, a story of a district continually looking at how they might do better.
The Power of Story: Turning Research into Cultural Practice “Every child deserves a quality education not by chance but by design” (John Hattie) On September 24th, the Sea to Sky School District presented the first of four … Continued
President’s Reflection on Sea to Sky Webinar: Research into Practice
Reflection on Sea to Sky Webinar: Research into Practice Sue Elliott, Learning Forward BC, President In these times of unprecedented challenges to safely manage an education system, facilitate learning and engage students, it was a relief to focus on the … Continued