The  Professional Learning Network in   British Columbia

– Affiliated with Learning Forward

Learning Forward BC , is an international network of learning educators committed to one purpose in K-12 education: Quality Professional Learning for all Educators that is focused on the needs of each and every student.

Learning Forward BC, bases their  Vision and Mission  as  described in the the  State of Professional Learning in Canada published in 2016. 

See copies of documents links below.

ThIs Network of BC Educators  is a cross-role educator group who work together collaboratively  to support  adult educators with the  skills, strategies and resources that will lead to student engagement and success.

Learning Forward BC focus on equity is shown in all programs through  Professional Learning that reflect  current research and practice.

This is based on  the Canadian Study on Professional Learning Dimensions ( 2016) and  continues to develop thought current cross Canada and International work.


Professional Learning Programs and Projects  described in these documents  are  based  on a broad base of  British Columbian, .  Canadian  and Global Research.  In British  Columbia, all work was done by a Collaborative that included all the key Education Partners in BC.

British Columbia Ministry of Education

British Columbia Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association

British Columbia School Superintendents

Association British Columbia School Trustees Association

British Columbia Teachers’ Federation

Federation of Independent School Associations in British Columbia

Learning Forward British Columbia

Links to Summary Documents.

BC Case Study EX Summary

This work aligns with the research  used for the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning however the in BC we follow our own Dimensions for Professional Learning as outlined in the 2016 Edition of State of Professional Learning in Canada


CanadaStudyExecSumm2016 final copy



Goals of Learning Forward BC

  1. To explore and develop a shared understanding of learning in the 21st Century
  2. To provide support for leadership in/of professional learning leaders by:
    • Exploring intentions and responsibilities across different roles
    • Engaging leaders in effective strategies to build and sustain capacity in schools and districts
  3. To expand theLearning Forward BC networks through:
    • Engaging and building partnerships through Professional Learning opportunities for all Educators in BC
    • Connecting with ‘thought leaders’ in BC,  across Canada and in an International Context
    • Growing our virtual community along with promoting  face-face sessions in a local context along with provincial sessions and conferences.

Learning Forward BC has a focus on :



  • Promoting  the Professional Learning Dimensions for Canada as  stated in the Canadian Study Research on Professional Learning 2016
  • Aligning with Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning
  • Providing  forums to engage others in relevant conversations about topics of keen interest by connecting  research with innovative practice
  • Sharing  expertise and experiences in effective professional learning that enhances student learning
  • Promoting and facilitating  networking among those who teach and facilitate adult professional learning
  • Collaborating  and providing  tools to support quality  professional learning



Learning Forward BC Board of Directors: 2024-2025


Chair:  Suzanne Elliott, Consultant, and Sunshine Coast, BC 


Secretary-Treasurer: Corinne McCabe, Retired Superintendent, Chilliwack School District

Professional Learning, Program Design :  Rod Allen , Retired Superintendent, Ministry of Ed, BC , Harvard Programs,  

Membership, Marketing : Trudean Andrews, Retired, West Vancouver

Executive Director Administration/Operations :Audrey Hobbs Johnson , AHJ Consultants, North Vancouver 


Directors, Project Leadership  

Rod AllenBC Superintendent of Education (retired) Assistant Deputy Minister with the BC Ministry of Education, (retired) Current work:  School District/Administration Consultant, /Free Range Human Podcasts (with Jal Metha, Harvard)

Trudean Andrews, Teacher, Ministry of Education (Retired)

Jessica Antosz, BC Principals and Vice Principals, Coordinator Professional Learning (Retired)

returning to LFBC board

Denise Augustine, Superintendent of Indigenous Education BC Ministry of Education,) Cowichan School District, Learning Forward Board of Trustees, Learning Forward Board of Trustees

Gordon Li, British Columbia School Trustees Association, Director, Education Services

David Manual, Assistant Superintendent, Chilliwack, BCSSA

Amelia Poitras, School Principal, Burnaby BC

Cari Wilson, District Principal, Technology- West Vancouver School District








Sue Elliott




Audrey Hobbs Johnson

Executive Director/ Administration/Operations


North Vancouver

Trudean Andrews



North Vancouver

Amelia Poitras

Director, Student Agency Inclusion


Burnaby, School Distric

Corinne McCabe


Superintendent( Retired)


David Manuel

Projects and Special Sessions

Assistant Superinendent


Rod Allen

Director local and International Parnterships, Special P rograms

Ministry of Education, Assistant Deputy Minister, ( Retired) Senior Advisor , BC School Districts, Harvard


Denise Augustinne

Ministry of Education, Superindent Indigenous Education

Superintendent of Indigenou Education, Ministry of Education, BC


Jessica Antosz

Program Development

BC Principals and Vice Principals, Coordinator Professional Learning (Retired) returning to LFBC board


Carli Wilson

Program Development, including Technology Strand

District Principal, Technology- West Vancouver School District

West Vancouver

Gordon Li

Program Development, Partnerships

British Columbia School Trustees Association, Director, Education Services
