New Standards Facilitator Guide Released today

A new Standards Facilitator Guide is being released today!  It is the newest version of the older Standards Trainer’s Kit.  It is an electronic PDF resource, and includes learning units for an all-day workshop or shorter sessions.  Each unit includes facilitator notes, participant handouts, and PPT slides.  The guide will be available, free of charge, for downloading directly from the standards webpages at:

Standards for Professional Learning (Learning Forward, 2011) is the third iteration of standards outlining the characteristics of professional learning that lead to effective teaching practices, supportive leadership, and improved student results. Learning Forward, with the contribution of 40 professional associations and education organizations, developed the Standards for Professional Learning. (See the Standards Revision Task Force and the Standards Advisory Team.) The standards make explicit that the purpose of professional learning is for educators to develop the knowledge, skills, practices, and dispositions they need to help students perform at higher levels. The standards are not a prescription for how education leaders and public officials should address all the challenges related to improving the performance of educators and their students. Instead, the standards focus on one critical issue — professional learning.


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